What NOT To Do On Valentine's Day

Happy feast of St. Valentine everyone!

I do not have a boyfriend or a Valentine this year. I haven't for the last couple of years and I am totally ok with that. I'm only 17, I'll wait for the right one.

Even though I don't have a Valentine, I still have a few words of wisdom I can impart on you lovely people :)

Here's what not to do on Valentine's Day:

1. Complain about your singledom and cry in your room with chocolate.
(BTW singledom is totally a word, I just made it up :))

This will get you nowhere. Be happy. Even though you don't have a boyfriend to spend today with, Valentine's can still be fun. Go out with your friends. Walk around town, go out to dinner, have a sleepover, make fun of all the lovey-dovey couples you see.(Nicely. and not necessarily in that order)(And I suggest quietly too-Kat) 

2. Post on social media that you are #singleandproud.
Just don't do it. You might actually be single and proud of it and that's ok. But if you post about it, it makes you look desperate. That you want the whole world to know you're single.


(Ha ha. We are both posting on this one! The pink is Lia, the blue is mine -Kat) 

3. Walk up to a random cute couple your age, slap the guy in the face and scream "You said you would always remember me!" and then stomp off. Please. Just don't.

4. Don't go out to people -ly places. Avoid all those places that are always filled with couples (unless it the coffee shop. coffee, coffee, coffee,) 

5. But don't stay in either. (Unless you LIKE staying in.) If you like going out and about, go some place that isn't a "couple" thing. (Please tell me Barnes and Nobel isn't a "couple place.") 

6. Don't sit on your computer all day

A Suggestion: I suggest you get all you friends together (the awesome single ones) and have a movie marathon. It could be chick flicks, Disney, period drama (P&P, any other Jane Austen, North and South, etc) but it doesn't have to be. You could watch war movies, cheesy movies, the classics, spy movies (invite me please.)  Pizza, on the other hand, is a MUST. Chocolate is good too. And popcorn. Since St. Valentine's isn't in Lent this year (YAY) that means you have no excuse not to splurge on chocolates. (unless your broke, in which case I suggest inviting friends who have jobs.) 


What do you suggest people do or don't do on St. Valentine's day? 

1 comment:

  1. Best way to spend Valentine's day is to gather your sisters (non-relative ones included) and watch period dramas and eat chocolate. Second best is having a girl's day out to the bookshop.

    Seriously, don't mope. God has a plan for your single state right now. I started really wanting a boyfriend at 15-19 but for wrong reasons. That's right, it took me that long to figure it out. I'm now in my early 20s, still have not had that first date yet. But I'm ok with that, since I know that God still has a lot of work to do before I feel ready to receive a man into my life
