I will be putting up two novenas this month in honor of Our Lady.
Now these particular novenas, Mary Undoer of Knots Novena and The Three Hail Mary Novena, (which isn't really a novena because it goes for 3 days instead of 9, but whatever) have a different prayer each day, so I will post that days prayer each morning.
Prayers will be up by 7 AM!!!
(Pinkie Promise!)
Now, the Three Day Novena will begin May 22, so we will end on the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians. The Christians in the Middle East need all the help they can get, so please mention them in your request!
And the Novena to Mary Undoer of Knots will begin on the first of the Month.
May 1- Our Lady, Queen of May
May 13- Our Lady Of Fatima
May 24- Our Lady, Help of Christians
MAY 25- Feast of the Ascension! (This is a Holy Day of Obligation!)
May 31- Visitation. Also the Queenship of Mary
(BTW: This is my favorite picture of the Visitation)

Ok, have a blessed day.
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