
Hello guys. I thought I would make a post to tell y'all about what's going on with me right now.

I have literally been so swamped with homework, it's ridiculous. But its cool, I can deal with it.
(also explains why I have absent from the blogging world)

I am taking my permit test on Monday which means I will start driving soon. It is completely blowing my mind!!!!!  The prospect of driving freaks me out. You are putting me in charge of a 2 ton vehicile
and hoping I don't crash or something........

Blog posts I've really been loving

Naomi: http://naomiblog15.blogspot.com/2017/02/my-problem-with-wanting-to-be-good.html
Catherine: http://catherinesrebellingmuse.blogspot.com/2017/02/favorite-film-ships-other-romantics.html
Christine: http://musingsofanelf.blogspot.com/2017/02/when-springs-blooms-short-story.html
Natalie: http://ramblings-of-a-red-head-girl.blogspot.com/2017/02/random-nothings.html
Julia: http://thebarefootgal.blogspot.com/2017/02/monthly-wrap-up-post-goodbye-to.html
Kat: http://sisterofgillian.blogspot.com/2017/02/are-you-british.html

Lent is starting on Wednesday. So I will only be blogging on the weekends until Easter. Even though I won't be blogging much, please keep reading and commenting, I will eventually read them :)


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